On July 24, 2024, Foundation President, Peter Winslow, and Board member, Anita Shirley, attended Bright Beginnings’s Transition Ceremony and were enchanted by the cap and gown graduation marking another successful year of early childhood development. After the ceremony, the Foundation received this gracious note from Bright Beginnings.
The Peter H. and Dana Gunn Winslow Foundation has invested generously in the professional development and specialization of Bright Beginnings staff. Our educators, instructional coaches, caregivers, and health specialists have attended conferences and received training on CLASS and ITERS, HighScope curriculum, COR Advantage Assessment, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), LENA, and other Education and Health and Therapeutic topics. As a result of this investment, in April 2024, BBI achieved a significant milestone by earning the “High Quality” designation in the District of Columbia’s Capital Quality program. Capital Quality, implemented by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE) Division of Early Learning (DEL), is the District’s enhanced Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). This achievement signifies that BBI meets rigorous standards for early childhood education, providing a superior learning environment for its students.