Grant FAQs
Q. What is the range of annual grant amounts?
A. $5,000 – $40,000
Q. Will applications for multi-year projects be accepted?
Q. Will unrestricted grants be awarded?
Q. Will the foundation fund indirect or overhead costs?
Q. Will grant awardees have reporting obligations?
A. Yes. The Foundation requires that a Final Report be submitted to the Foundation within 60 days following the end of the grant period. For current grantees with grants still underway at the time they request continued funding, they should also submit a Progress Report along with their full proposal.
Q. Will preference be given to grant applicants with activities in a particular geographic area?
A. Yes. Currently, preference is given to charities with their principal activities located in Wards 7 and 8 in Washington, D.C.
Q. Will grants be considered for projects that already are ongoing and may have other sources of funds?
Q. How many grants will be made by the Foundation?
A. The Board of Directors currently anticipates making between seven and ten grants each year.
Q. Will grants be made to individuals for charitable purposes?
Q. Will grants be made to individuals or organizations affiliated with members of the leadership team?
Q. Will grants be made to support a particular political party or politician’s program?
Q. Can a grant be rescinded after it has been awarded?
A. Yes, if it comes to the attention of the Foundation that grant funds have been improperly expended.
Q. How will grants be funded while the Foundation builds up its endowment?
Q. Will the Foundation accept contributions?
A. The Gunn Winslow Foundation is a family foundation and does not solicit contributions. However, the Foundation welcomes donations and pledges that 100% of any donations it receives will be used to further its mission to foster educational opportunities for children in underserved communities.
Q. After a grant is awarded, where should grant acknowledgements be sent?
A. Grant acknowledgements should be sent by email to: Peter Winslow at [email protected] or by mail to c/o ScribnerHall, 1250 Conn. Ave., NW, suite 203, Washington DC, 20036.